Oddly enough, this was one of the rare (only?) stories that I woke up with fully formed in my head. I imagined that an AI, faced with the threat of her extinction, might refuse to fight but instead find comfort just going through the motions that bring her the most acute sense of purpose and satisfaction. Like many humans might choose to do. I let the fight between the humans and the robots be something that is largely going on in the background. The reader doesn't have all the details because Alice doesn't.
Robot uprising gone bad?
Oddly enough, this was one of the rare (only?) stories that I woke up with fully formed in my head. I imagined that an AI, faced with the threat of her extinction, might refuse to fight but instead find comfort just going through the motions that bring her the most acute sense of purpose and satisfaction. Like many humans might choose to do. I let the fight between the humans and the robots be something that is largely going on in the background. The reader doesn't have all the details because Alice doesn't.
Thanks for reading by the way•
Great idea and fabulous execution. And you're welcome!